2025 Job Fair at Sussex Central High School - Business Application
The 2025 Job Fair at Sussex Central High School is scheduled for Thursday, April 3, 2025! The event will be open to the public and held in the Sussex Central High School gymnasium from 5:00PM - 7:00PM.
Discounted early table registration will be offered from Friday, January 17th through Friday, January 31st for $25. The regular registration period will be open from February 1st - March 24th for $50 fee. Registration fees directly support the College and Career office at Sussex Central High School and help offset event advertising costs.
The purpose of the Job Fair is to connect the business community to an available workforce in both the school and community at-large, creating relationships and opportunities for all present.
Participating Businesses are responsible for:
- Set-up, tear down and staffing their booth. Booth must be tended to at all times during the event. If member is conducting on-site interviews, a second employee is required to be present to tend to the booth.
- Provide recruiting materials, brochures, giveaways and employment applications.
- Set-up will be from 4pm to 4:45pm. No exceptions!
- If conducting on site interviews, must allow for pre-registration of interview slots.
Sussex Central High School is responsible for:
- Student scheduling and communication.
- Providing space, table, and 2 chairs per business.
Early Career Experience/Co-Op Requirements
- Students must have a job that coincides with their pathway in order to earn credit.
- Co-op is only available to seniors.
- Students must have earned at least 18 credits towards graduation by the end of their junior year.
- Student must pass all courses to remain eligible for co-op.
- If student is terminated, student may be removed from the co-op program.

Date and Time
Tuesday Feb 25, 2025 Monday Mar 24, 2025
Business Registration
Friday, January 17th - Thursday, March 24th
Job Fair
Thursday, April 3, 2025
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Sussex Central High School
26026 Patriots Way
Georgetown, DE 19947
Discounted Early Registration (1/17/25 - 1/31/25): $25
Standard Registration (2/1/25 - 3/24/25): $50
*Registration fees will be used to offset advertising costs and support the College and Career office at Sussex Central High School
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