AC Plant and Turf
Landscape & Hardscape Services
Monday - Friday
8 am - 4:30 pm
About Us
At AC Plant and Turf, we approach all landscaping challenges with innovative plant science solutions. AC Plant and Turf is the standard for plant, tree, and turf care on Delmarva.
Turf management is one of our primary focuses; therefore you trust our lawn care specialists to provide the best and most effective lawn care services. We understand the importance of a thick, luscious green lawn and how it can add immense value to a home. After soil samples are taken and analyzed, we design a custom 7-step fertilizer program to help keep our customers' lawns as healthy and weed-free as possible.
We're a plant diagnostic and treatment company that specializes in creating an unparalleled environment for your trees and shrubs, as well as providing expert analysis on tree management and the improvement of today's arborIculture.
We value our customers above all else. By embracing the latest in plant, tree, and turf science, we stay on the cutting edge of making your landscaping the best it can be Made up of a team of certified arborists, plant science professionals, certified applicators, and lawn care professionals, your experience is guaranteed to be unforgettable.
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